About Ecocity

Reality testing the Sustainable Community Development goals of SCD Hub.

Digging deeper into community solutions. !

Support for Birds and Pollinators

Biodiversity support can be done in many ways. Migratory birds suffer mortality pressures due to collisions with glass, housecat predaction (4 billioon / year in USA alone)!

“This activity could quality for funding support from crowdfunding and direct biodiversity credit sales.”

~ G W Willson

Bee Safe Neighborhoods

Neighborhood blocks can act as very powerful buffers against pesticides on bees, butterflies. and other pollinators. the importance of these pollinators for the future of human and animal consumable crops cannot be known after they are lost Accordingly, the b

“This activity could quality for funding support from crowdfunding and direct biodiversity credit sales.”

~ G W Willson

Tree Care Lifecycle

All roles are important in the human-tree relationship. Caring for a tree requires a lifecycle approach such that the soil, water, recognition of the tree's ecosystem's intinsic right to exist and thrive.

“This activity could quality for funding support from crowdfunding and direct biodiversity credit sales.”

~ G W Willson

Mapping Informal Disposal Sitesr

All areas of the Earth have living things in the environmenet. Plastic fires cause soot and chemicals harmful to human and ecosystem health. Mapping informal disposal sites allows us to stand together in creating solutions in enforcement, circular economy development, new economies like composting, vermiposting, mycocomposting, insect farming, plastics chipping and moulding, important youth employment and mentor-menree relationships.

“This activity could quality for funding support from crowdfunding and direct biodiversity credit sales.”

~ G W Willson

Performing Ecosystem Viability Asements

All areas of the Earth have living things in the environmenet.

Cool Stuff We Do

Sooo Cool

Other Cool Things

Just as cool

All the cool

that is all